Anna is helping to teach us all Makaton signs for café and everyday use!
Do you know that we are an official ‘Makaton Friendly Place’ and endorsed by The Makaton Charity. This means that we have invested in our staff and premises to meet key criteria and improve accessibility for anyone living with learning or communication difficulties.
Wondering what Makaton is? Makaton is a unique language programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to enable people to communicate. It supports the development of essential communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.
For the last year, Anna who is our designated Makaton Ambassador here at No Limits has been delighting us with her brilliant and original take on teaching Makaton signing each week! We have nicknamed them ‘Anna’s word of the week (WOTW)’. Not only does Anna think of a word with a poster that includes images of its sign and symbol, but she also inputs that word into sentences that often rhymes! Its this that gives our weekly lesson in Makaton a personal approach and we have a keen following on social media that look forward to seeing Anna’s weekly videos and have found them really beneficial.
Over this time, Anna has often done words that are relevant to our café environment and in turn this has been helpful for many of our participants and customers with additional needs who find Makaton helpful when communicating. Not only that but when there are exciting things happening for ‘Team No Limits’ such as our charity fire-walk earlier in the year, or the Kings Coronation which we celebrated with our ‘Social Saturday’ group by making coronation inspired bunting (that you can see in one of the photo’s below), Anna will always come up with a clever way of making it more than just that one word. In turn we have all learned as a team as the weeks and months have gone on and all really look forward to what will be next! Below are just some of the photos of words that have featured.
Do you have a word you would like to learn in Makaton? Then please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us know as Anna is always keen to hear ideas.
Keep your eyes peeled each Wednesday on our Facebook and Instagram pages for more of Anna’s Makaton ‘WOTW’ posts!