Support Us

We are a Not-For-Profit Community Interest Company which means that every penny made in sales goes back into our project, providing opportunities for people in our community who have additional needs.

Our project relies on funding, surviving solely on the income from our inclusive, one of a kind, café simply isn’t enough to cover all our costs

No Limits provides Work Experience, Supported Internships and Supported Employment to individuals with various needs. All participants are supported by experienced Job Coaches on a 1-1 basis. We have bespoke equipment, Total Communication resources and regular training. 

Because our cafe operates in this different way, our operating costs are substantially higher than the average café and coffee shop on the high street

Help us continue to offer opportunities to people in your community, who have additional needs, and in turn help break down barriers in our society. Please consider supporting No Limits Cafe by a donation or discuss sponsorship with us.

If you are a business wanting to invest in corporate responsibility, or you would like your place of work to get involved with No Limits Café, then we would love to hear from you!  to discuss  and we can arrange for a chat over a coffee made by one of our team!

Here Are Just Some Examples Of What Your Donation Or Sponsorship Could Fund


Pays for our bespoke specialist till and servicing for 1 week.

Our till and EPOS system includes symbol and picture images and larger buttons making it accessible and user friendly for individuals with a wide range of needs. For those with visual or visual processing difficulties, our specialist till is essential.

A user friendly till means that Participants who often cannot access a ‘standard’ till can be involved in all aspects of cafe work.


Pays for our Barista Coffee Machine and servicing for 1 week.

Our Barista machine helps Participants gain relevant skills that they can transfer to any other cafe. As it involves a lot of repetition it’s a skill that many of our team master using independently.

Gaining independent skills creates a sense of pride, value and increased self esteem for our Participants.


Sponsors a Work Experience Participant for 1 week of sessions.

Participants at No Limits are given opportunities to train in all aspects of catering and hospitality. Because they have the support of a 1-1 Job Coach, our Participants experience a realistic, working day, within our bustling cafe and gain essential employability skills.


Pays for a monthly subscription to a valuable monitoring resource.

Being able to record our Participants’ progress, feedback and outcomes is essential for both our funders and for ourselves.

With this resource we can easily see how we can best continue to support people with additional needs in our community.

Thank You To Our Sponsors And Donors