
Without volunteers our vision and mission here at No Limits Community Café & Hub will not be possible!

We are looking for a team of reliable volunteers to support our No Limits family in working and training as baristas, at front-of-house, in the kitchen, in catering workshops and with our future development and fund-raising activities.

We are a Not-for-Profit Community Interest Company so any monies made go straight back into the running and development of the organisation.

We support young adults with additional needs and disabilities to learn new skills, gain work experience and support them in their transition to future work and a more independent adult life.

The Police Act 1997 (Criminal Records) Regulations 2002 defines a volunteer as ‘any individual engaged in an activity which involves spending time, unpaid …. doing something which aims to benefit some third party and not a close relative’.

Some volunteering jobs will be subject to a satisfactory Criminal Records Bureau police check.

Due to the nature of our work we will require two satisfactory references before you can start as a volunteer and we cannot always guarantee a suitable role.

Work Experience

For young people aged 18+ (or 16+& NEET)

Up to 8 week programme including Barista Training

Access to Employabilty Skills Hub

Flexible Hours each week to suit the individual

Various funding available for our in house 1-1 Job Coaches via:

Access to Work via Job Centre

Direct Payments

Social Services

Supported Employment

National Living Wage

Certification in

 Food Hygiene

Barista Skills

Employability Skills

Job Coaches provided based on individual need

Funding via:

Access to Work via the Job Centre

Supported Internship

In conjunction with a college.

Up to 9 months placement

Experience the world of work

Certification in

Barista Skills

Employability Skills

Community Hub

Social & information sharing opportunities for community groups both with & without additional needs.

Meet the Therapy Dogs sessions with Bales Buddies

Makaton Training

Care Leavers/Care Experienced Sessions

Cafe Hire available

No Limits Social Saturdays! For our team members past and present.