Ethan is an 18-year-old with an EHCP who was finishing Exeter College when he met with Sarah, our Supported Employment Outreach lead. As he was not keen on attending full time college anymore, we explored Supported Internships, Apprenticeships and paid employment opportunities in the area.
Ethan was already working 4-8 hours on a weekend at Ikea in Exeter, clearing tables in the restaurant. Ethan loved his work at Ikea. He likes to be useful and helpful, being part of the team, working with others and helping customers.
The staff at Ikea had been so accommodating of his needs and supportive, so we started to explore the potential for Supported Internships to extend Ethan’s skills and allow him to access a broader job description within Ikea.
Sarah linked with the Ikea restaurant staff and met to discuss various supported employment pathways. With support from our Outreach service, Ikea were very keen to offer Ethan a new paid contract for 20 hours, within the restaurant to cover till work, replenishment, tables and kitchen portering duties.
This was a fantastic opportunity for Ethan reflecting how valued he is as a staff member. Securing this contract meant there was no need to complete a Supported Internship to reach further employment.
No Limits Outreach will provide advice and hands on support with the Access to Work applications and processes, we will also provide Disability Awareness Training for the staff team around Ethan.
Ethan has accepted this position and starts at the beginning of November!
Ikea have been so supportive of Ethan to get him to this stage with reasonable adjustments. Now they will be able to invest in him further using Access to Work funding through DWP. This will enable further job coaching for his new, broader role, until such time that he becomes more familiar with his duties.
Ikea take inclusion very seriously and are proactive as employers. We are currently starting the Access to Work processes and setting the support in place to allow Ethan to fulfil his dream of using the till in the restaurant!