Co-op – Select us as your cause!

More exciting fundraising news!

We have been selected by The Co-op as one of their causes. This means if you shop in one of their stores you could help us raise funds for No Limits.

Help us to continue to run a truly inclusive work place for our team, with funding towards our specialist till, accessible cafe equipment and Total Communication resources.

From 23 October 2022 to 21 October 2023 Co-op members can choose to raise funds for No Limits For every £1 members spend on selected Co-op branded products and services, 1p will go directly to their chosen cause. To collect rewards and contribute to our cause, members must swipe or scan their membership card when they shop. 

If you are already a Co-op member CHOOSE US by logging in and selecting ‘choose a cause’ at the top right of the screen.  If you want to join as a MEMBER also click the link! 

If you decide to choose us as your cause we say a huge thank you !

The No Limits Team