Get a taste of our various participant experiences here at No Limits!

Showcasing this brilliant short film by local student Nolan, aged 18 who is currently a second year student studying Creative Media, TV and Film at Exeter College, Devon.

This was especially made for a unit on his course, when Nolan approached us here at No Limits to see if he could create a promotional piece that explains all of the various things we do here at our café and community hub!
Nolan has expertly interviewed participants who have shared their experiences within supported employment, work experience placements, café mentoring and catering apprenticeships. We feel that he has really captured their reflections perfectly, interjected with shots of the café in action, with relaxing music alongside. We think you will agree that it really is giving a nice and chilled, inclusive vibe which is exactly what we try to achieve each and every day here at No Limits! 

Our thanks go out to Nolan who chose us for his project,  putting a spotlight on our mission that we strive towards: to help educate people with special needs on job skills, to help them in their careers, and to raise awareness in the community of those with different abilities.